The Benefits Of Voltage Spike Protection

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Power surges and power spikes are voltage spikes that enter the home or business through the main power line. These voltage spikes occur when the power grid or system is interrupted, and the electricity flow is stopped and then started again. They can also happen when electricity is introduced into the system, such as by lightning, and causes electricity to flow back and through the system at high voltage.

Voltage Spikes

The amount of these voltage spikes can vary greatly. Spikes occur in the home or business when something is plugged in or turned on. These spikes typically have a few volts for most household appliances. Still, the constant spikes can cause wear and tear to electrical equipment and devices.

More problematic is a lightning strike. These types of uncontrollable voltage spikes can be thousands of volts. If the home or business does not have voltage spike protection, these spikes can destroy any electronics from computers and televisions to office equipment and whole systems. The component that is damaged in these types of devices is typically the microprocessor, and a fluctuation of as little as ten volts can create problems.

The Solution

Continental Power Corporation offers comprehensive voltage spike protection with our Powerworx™ e3 system. Our surge and spike protection is designed to eliminate the damage caused by lightning and other types of power spikes. We even offer a $25,000 policy to cover your home if the Powerworx™ e3 system fails to provide protection after correct installation.

To learn more about the surge and voltage spike protection we offer, call us today at 724-858-6653.

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