The Basics Of Power Factor Capacitors

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Continental Power Corporation offers the Powerworx™ e3 system for residential or commercial use. This system is designed to optimize the power used in the building, increasing efficiency, providing surge and spike protection, harnessing waste energy, and reducing overall costs.

Through power factor correction, electricity is used at as close to 100% power factor as possible. In other words, the true energy coming into the home or business is almost completely in work output. There is very limited energy waste, helping to reduce energy costs and also extend the life of equipment by preventing poor-quality power that leads to increased wear and tear on motors and other electrical devices.

The Role of Power Factor Capacitors

In our systems, power factor capacitors harness the energy lost in motor or device operation. Without the capacitors, the energy used by inductive loads to create a magnetic reversal and balance the power is lost.

With our power factor capacitors, this energy that is naturally lost through the system is stored in the capacitors, making it available for use. The more equipment in the home or business that creates these inductive loads, the greater the efficiency and power recovery. The use of the Powerworx™ e3 system capacitors can lead to as much as a 30% reduction in the energy waste by these inductive loads.

For more information or to learn about the energy savings offered by the Powerworx™ e3 system, call Continental Power Corporation at 724-858-6653.

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